We held our first Women’s Car Care Clinic for this year last Saturday morning. The five top questions from attendees are:
- What is done during a tune up and how much does it cost? Most tune-ups are comprised of at least changing the spark plugs, spark plug wires, and fuel filter. Cost will vary by vehicle based on parts cost and how difficult it is to access and change these items. Cost is usually in the $200-$400 range and may be more if other items are included at that service interval such as fluid and filter changes.
- What type of gasoline should I use? For most cars use what the manufacturer recommends. If regular unleaded is recommended and you vehicle runs fine, upgrading to premium will not offer any real benefits. We do recommend using top tier gasolines (shell, chevron, etc.) as they have additives which will keep your engine cleaner on the inside.
- Why does the fuel filter need changing? The fuel filter should be changed at least as often as recommended by the manufacturer to protect yo
ur fuel pump. If the filter becomes too clogged it makes the fuel pump work harder which can lead to prematurely burning out the fuel pump. Fuel pumps are typically located in the fuel tank on newer vehicles and are very costly to replace.
- When should my automatic transmission fluid be changed? Most manufacturers recommend a 30,000 or 50,000 mile change interval. Check you owners manual and follow the listed guidelines. Heat due to dirty fluid is the number one killer of transmissions. So follow your manufacturer’s recommendation unless you really want to spend two or three grand rebuilding your transmission.
- Does driving with my windows down save gas? Usually the answer is no. If your windows are down you are creating a lot of wind drag that your engine has to overcome. In general, you will use the same or less gas by running your air conditioning and keeping the windows rolled up.
We thank the ladies would attended our clinic. Our next clinic is scheduled for Saturday April 16th at 10:00 a.m. We hope to see you there!
If you are looking for Auto Repair Reno NV, or Diesel Repair Reno NV for car maintenance or automotive repair, please contact us at Wayne’s Automotive Center (775) 356-6996.