What You Avoid When You Stay on Top of Auto Maintenance
While many people think putting off an oil change is no big deal. Do you understand what you can prevent just by keeping up on auto maintenance especially when it comes to oil changes?
According to an article at mechanics.com.au, “One of the Most Important Auto Maintenance: Oil Change”
“The changing of a car’s oil is probably one of the most important things a car owner can do to ensure a high quality engine and extended life of the car itself as the noted benefits of this process include the reduction of friction by increasing lubrication in the engine which prevents overheating and removing impurities that build up around the engine such as dust, metallic shavings, and antifreeze. Not removing these impurities can mean less fuel efficiency and engine processing.
There are such benefits as improved engine and horsepower performance with clean oil allowing a vehicle to maximize the horsepower it puts on the road by ensuring that all cylinders are operating to their full capacity.
Of course when talking about the benefits of an oil change for a vehicle it is actually what the oil change is preventing that is the real motivation for many drivers.
Proper maintenance procedure when it comes to oil changes will prevent several major negatives issues from occurring around the engine including:
- engine part failure
- parts grinding together without lubrication
- parts fusing together
- parts jamming
The combined effect of leaving dirty oil around a car’s engine can significantly decrease the life of vehicles while also making the vehicles less safe to drive. Basically, regular oil changes as part of routine car maintenance plays an important part in accident prevention.” To read the entire article click here.
At Wayne’s Automotive Center you can be at ease that your vehicle will get the best auto repair service in Reno. For more information contact Wayne’s Automotive Center at 775-525-9366 or visit waynesautocenter.com.