If you own a vehicle you understand that regular auto maintenance is vital to life of your vehicle. Do you know what auto technicians say is the key to keeping a vehicle running in tip-top-shape? Let’s take a look at a recent survey recommended by auto professionals to keep your vehicle running well.
According to an article at carcare.org, “Car Care Tips”
“Auto technicians say the key to keeping vehicles running well-today and down the road-is routine maintenance. Yet many drivers tend to stall when it comes to keeping up with some everyday auto-basics. A recent survey by the Car Care Council found:
- 25%of cars had low or dirty engine oil.
- 13%had low or contaminated brake fluid.
- 18%had dirty air filters.
- 17%had inadequate cooling protection or low coolant levels.
- 16% needed new windshield wiper and 27%had low or contaminated washer fluid.
- 18%needed new belts
Overall, 89% of vehicles were in need of at least one service or repair.
A regular service schedule can help keep your car running it’s best. For your convenience, the Car Care Council developed a Service Interval Schedule to help you keep track of regular maintenance. Most of the checks and services described here can be done at little or no cost.” To read the entire article click here.
For all your auto repair service needs in Reno, contact Wayne’s Automotive Center at 775-356-6996 or visit waynesautocenter.com.