Hello, Reno and Sparks commuters! Today we want to talk about something you might not have known. When your car or truck is running, it uses 12,000 times as much air than gas while driving. Because our atmosphere can be dirty even when it looks clean, the air must be filtered to keep things running efficiently. The air filter will also help keep the engine itself clean. The engine air filter is the workhorse of this operation and without proper care can cause your engine to break down prematurely.
Facts About Your Engine Air Filter
To get a sense of how much air the engine uses, let’s put it this way. If you were to bottle that air into gallon jugs, your car would use 100 gallons (380 liters) of air for every block you drive! The engine air filter doesn’t cost a lot to replace and is essential to the proper function of your vehicle. When things are working correctly, your driving experience should be smooth. When things are not right with the engine air filter, you may start to experience problems.
Engine Air Filter Life Expentancy

Just like our bodies need to breathe in oxygen to function correctly, it’s the same with your vehicle. Each vehicle has a different recommendation from the manufacturer on when it’s time to replace your air filter. Of course, environmental conditions where we live can speed up that timeline as well. According to the American Lung Association list of most polluted cities, Reno ranks in the top 25 cities at #22 for short-term particle pollution. These periods of reduced air quality can result in your engine air filter getting clogged quicker than usual.
Air Quality Can Affect Filter Life
Being classified as a high desert environment in Reno and Sparks means that we can often have dusty conditions. These types of situations can take their toll on a car’s air filter. At Wayne’s Automotive Center we have trained technicians that can quickly check and replace your engine air filter. Usually, you replace the air filter as part of routine oil changes.
This statement may seem obvious but, dirty air filters don’t work as well as clean ones. Once the engine air filter has taken on the maximum amount of dust and particles, the rest of these dirty particles pass straight through to the motor.
Why You Might Upgrade To A High Performance Air Filter
When you are considering an air filter replacement for your engine, understand that these filters come in all shapes and sizes. There are standard filters and high-performance filters as well. Even though high-performance filters cost more money upfront, they can save you money on gas and help the engine to deliver more power. Who doesn’t want more get up and go when passing someone on the road?
Wayne’s Automotive Center Can Replace Your Engine Air Filter
Don’t play around with not replacing your engine air filter when required. It’s essential to have the air filter checked. At Wayne’s Automotive Center we can replace your air filter easily, making sure that when you are on the road in Reno and Sparks, your vehicle will perform as expected. Your engine air filter may even pay for its self by the next oil change!